Do you have a business you have been wanting to launch or a current business you want to take to the next level?
No matter whether you are a newbie or seasoned business owner, a plan is going to help you create the business you want.
Today we are going to create your business plan!
This is not your typical business plan with charts, market research, and financial budgets.
This is not the kind of business plan you are going to present at a board meeting.
This is the kind of business plan that is going to get you into ACTION. This plan is going to be your step-by-step roadmap to success.
As a leadership coach, I often see business owners throw their hands up in frustration because they aren’t getting the results they wanted.
Spoiler alert – they had no plan to create the results they wanted!
But not you, you are going to have a PLAN because we’re going to create one together!
In this video, I share the 3 steps to build your business plan.
Press play to watch this short video!
A plan is what will help you have focus, clarity, and a roadmap for success!
Here are the steps to create your business plan for 2020.
Step 1: Paint your business vision
What is your ultimate vision for your business? What would you create if you had all the resources and money in the world to do it? Free write and paint that vision for your business.
Step 2: Pick one goal from that vision
From the vision you painted, turn one of those things into a goal. Pick a goal that you’d like to focus on right now. If you can’t decide, make an executive decision and pick one!
Step 3: Write everything that needs to happen to bring that vision to fruition
Before you tell me you don’t know what needs to happen… I want you to brainstorm a list of things you THINK needs to happen. If you knew what needed to happen, you would’ve done it by now! So of course you don’t know… and this is the process of getting in the know. Challenge yourself to write at least 20 things, and I dare you to go for 50.
Once you have a list of EVERYTHING that needs to happen, you are going to turn that into your PLAN for the year with literally all the steps to follow.
I taught a Business Planning Workshop where I walk you through the steps of getting clear on your business goals and building that roadmap. We do it step-by-step together and go deeper into the process.
Leave the workshop with immense clarity, focus, and a plan that’s ready to implement!
In the workshop you will:
– Get clarity on your business vision for 2020 and beyond
– Build solid goals and a roadmap to bring your vision to life
– Leave with a created plan that’s ready to implement
Grab the Business Planning Workshop here.
Thanks so much for reading, share this post with anyone who’d find it useful!
Tell me what is that 1 goal or focus area for your business this year?