We are going to make a plan for your 2020.
A plan for what you ask?
A plan for your life, your business, any goal or bucket list thing you have in mind.
But why create a plan you ask?
Because a PLAN helps you ACTUALLY create the life you want vs. dream about it happening one day.
Whether you want to 2x your business revenue, start a plant-based diet, or write a dating advice book… a plan will give you a roadmap to go from start to finish.
In this video I share with you the 3 steps to create your 2020 plan! Press play to watch this short video!
Having a plan eliminates confusion, keeps you focused, and gives you the next steps to take.
Without a plan, the everyday necessities of life will take over and yet another year will fly by and you’ll wonder where it went!
I was never a planner until I learned how it truly does lead to RESULTS. I’ve experienced it myself and I want to share with you…
The 3 steps to create your 2020 plan:
Step 1: Know what you want to create: You’ll be surprised at how many people don’t know what they actually want. So take this time to do a braindump of everything you want to experience, do, or have before you die. If you don’t know how to answer this question, just start writing and answer it with whatever comes up! There’s no wrong answer here. This list is going to give you so much clarity. Circle the ones that stand out the most.
Example: My client Amy, wrote a long list of things and some of them included: achieve my ideal weight, be financially free, experience long-lasting love, and have more traveling adventures.
Step 2: Pick a focus for your plan: Which on the circled items from your list above is the most relevant and important to you right now? You might be tempted to pick several, but ultimately decide on one, if you can’t choose, pick randomly from the top choices. Putting your focus towards one area is going to increase your chance of results. After you get results in one area you can create your plan for the second.
Example: My client Amy wanted to focus on both her weight and business. She decided to pick focusing on her weight first because she knew working on her health would allow her to have more energy for the business.
Step 3: Braindump everything that has to happen: Whatever focus you have chosen, think about all the things that would need to have to achieve the outcome you want. Think about from start to finish, what are all the small tasks or activities that need to be done or completed. Start writing a list of all of it, this may be pages long and that’s ok! The more detailed the better and easier it will be to put into your plan! You now have a list of items to put into your calendar and exact next steps to take!
Example: My client Amy wrote down all the things she would need to do to focus on achieving her ideal weight. Here is a sample of what she brain-dumped:
Decide ideal weight
Find out current weight
Make an appointment with a health practitioner
Decide an eating plan or program to do
Create a fitness routine
Research personal trainers in the area
Create a weekly meal plan
Plan grocery lists
Create a budget for groceries
Research healthy snack bars
She took this list and plugged it into her calendar and got started with her plan to focus on creating the result she wanted!
These are the basic 3 steps to create your plan for 2020! It is super fun to do this planning exercise and has helped me SO many times when I have felt stuck from moving forward on a focus area I had.
If you want to create an even more robust plan, and one that you will ACTUALLY follow through on, come join my planning workshops for the advanced planning training.
This week I’m teaching TWO planning workshops: one on life goals and one for business. We will go deeper on making your plan strong and talk about how to actually execute on your plan when it’s easier not to!
2020 Life Goals Planning Workshop: Register here for only $20.20
Thursday January 30 – 3 PM ET | 12 PM PT
2020 Business Planning Workshop: Register here for only $20.20
Friday January 31 – 3 PM ET | 12 PM PT