
My first time reciting poetry

It’s my birthday month. And since we are all quarantined in our homes, I thought about how I could still make this month interesting and memorable for myself.

We also had an earthquake in California last week where my whole house was shaking and it made me think. It made me think about all the things I want to do before I die. 

What would make me die happy? And one of the things that have been on my heart for years is writing and performing poetry. Because I have such chronic self-doubt, I’ve put this off for YEARS.

I haven’t felt “ready” or “good enough” and thought, who am I to write and share? But this quarantine helped me step out of my comfort zone and say HEY – what if I shared it online? That feels a LITTLE less scary than an in person audience.

So I did it! I decided to host my OWN Online Poetry Jam called Soul Jam this week. And somehow magically a group of 6 people showed up when I put a call out for poets. Most of them I met for the FIRST TIME!

I felt this calling inside me to do this and I’m so glad I did because it was SO much fun and I felt so deeply connected and touched by everyone who participated. 

So here is me reciting poetry – for the FIRST time ever! And my new friends! The names and minute each person shares their poem is below the video. Enjoy!

I have shared the minute each person performs their first poem. And their instagram handles below if you want to follow for more! 

Aditi Ramchandani – 7:00 @aditisouldance 

Teresa George Hung – 9:05 @synapticshift

Wei Houng – 12:30 @weiehoung 

Stefanie Rennert – 13:45 @stefanierennert

Deepa Ramamurthi- 17:00 @dr2685 

Sweta Iyer – 21:00 – @swetaiyerheals 
