Leadership & Confidence

Breakthrough Your Business Imposter Syndrome

Do you have business imposter syndrome?

Imposter syndrome is when you feel like a fraud, not good enough, and have extreme self-doubt.

And this leads to not taking action in your business the way you’d like to. 

Most of my clients RUN the other way when their imposter shows up. And I don’t blame them because I know how uncomfortable it is to face your insecurities. 

It’s easier to blame time, money, lack of clarity or next steps. 

But I don’t want you to hide behind your insecurities. I want you to reach your full potential in your business. And breaking through your self-doubt voice is part of it. 

In this video I share with you how to breakthrough your business imposter syndrome! 

Click play below to watch this short video!

The more you resist your imposter syndrome the bigger it will get and the more it will rule your life. And rule your business decisions. 

Not feeling good enough are normal human feelings and nothing to be afraid of. 

The good news is you CAN break through this imposter syndrome. 

The way you BREAKTHROUGH YOUR IMPOSTER is by becoming BEST FRIENDS with it. 

Knowing your imposter on a really deep level, like it’s your scared child who needs love and attention. 

Building a relationship with your imposter brings your power back to you, , instead of IT calling the shots in your business. 

So how do you do that?

You talk to your imposter. You ask questions. You get curious.

You can ask:

What are you really afraid of? 

And why?

How can I comfort you right now?

And to make forward movement in your business you can ask…

How can I comfort you right now and still take a step forward? 

Sometimes how I breakthrough the imposter is by nurturing it and then giving it (me) a reward if I move forward in that thing that scares me. 

For example: I might have an imposter syndrome about creating my upcoming course. I will first understand the deeper fears then I will create a reward for taking action on that scary thing. This could mean I promise myself that if I film week 1 of the course today, then tomorrow I allow myself to binge Netflix all day as a reward. 

We are working on busting through your imposter syndrome deeper in my brand new FREE course:

Business Confidence

In the course we will: 

– Find out what’s been blocking your business confidence

– Understand how to interpret your business confidence blocks so you know what to do when it shows up again

– Learn how to shift your confidence so you show up the way you wish you could

I’M TEACHING THIS COURSE COMPLETELY FREE – SO SIGN UP NOW! Everyone could use more business confidence.

Sign up for the free course here, we are on day 3 today so come join us! The videos are 90 seconds long and the prompts take less than 10 minutes.

So worth it for being able to sky-rocket your business confidence level so you can finally show up in your business the way you’d like to!

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