I want to share with you one of my FAVORITE confidence tools! Ready?!
This is a confidence tool I use ALL the time for myself and my clients love it too.
One of my clients came up to me recently and told me that every time she feels stuck in her business, she uses this exact confidence tool to help her take the next step.
I can’t wait to share it with you.
In this video I share with you my favorite confidence tool and how to use it!
Click play below to watch this short video!
You may have found yourself in different situations where you didn’t feel as confident as you would’ve liked to.
Maybe in a personal situation, at work, or social situations.
I have a tool that will help you create confidence in ANY situation!
First I want you to think about what it feels like when you aren’t feeling confident.
Let’s use an example: Imagine you are about to do a presentation in front of 500 people.
You have sweaty palms, a racing heart, and you’re thinking, “I don’t know how I’m going to do this!
You’re feeling a lot of anxiety, panic, and nervousness.
What do you do in this situation?
How do you become confident?
Or better yet I like to say – How do you CREATE confidence?
I’d like to introduce you to a tool called the FUTURE SELF.
We are going to TAP into that FUTURE version of you and pull that confidence back into your present body.
I want you to think about –
1- What is the FUTURE version of yourself thinking? The version of you who has ALREADY accomplished what you’re nervous about and is CONFIDENT. What kind of thoughts are running through her head?
2- What kind of feelings is she feeling in their body?
An example of what your FUTURE self might be thinking is:
- I GOT THIS! I have EVERYTHING I need to rock this out!
- I know ONE person WILL be impacted by what I’m sharing today.
An example of what your FUTURE self might be feeling is:
- Optimistic
- Excited
- Confident
Now what you want to do is DECIDE what feeling from your FUTURE self that you want to feel right now in the present.
For this example, let’s use CONFIDENT. Because we want to feel CONFIDENT as we are stepping out to speak in front of these 500 people!
Next you want to test which thoughts create a feeling of confidence.
(Because our thoughts create our feelings. How do we know this? Because 2 people could be in the EXACT same circumstance but have completely different feelings about it. How so? Because they have different thoughts about it.)
Let’s test out which thoughts create the feeling of confidence.
For this example, I did a test with the 2 FUTURE thoughts above:
- When I think I GOT this! I have everything I need to rock this out. I feel OPTIMISTIC.
Since we are looking for a feeling of CONFIDENCE NOT OPTIMISM, we are going to let that one go and test out the next thought.
- When I think, “I know ONE person WILL be impacted by what I’m sharing today.” mmm yes that feels confident!
You want to check which thought creates the feeling that you want. This will be different for everyone so it will be a body check for you personally.
Once you find this NEW Future self thought, you want to start EMBODYING it RIGHT NOW.
You start practicing it – over and over and over again.
(The most important part is that you want to make sure your new thought actually creates confidence in your body RIGHT NOW. You want to keep testing thoughts until you find it. This is not like an affirmation where you just hope to start feeling something as you keep repeating an empty statement. The goal is to start feeling it NOW.)
Soon you’ll feel the feelings of confidence take over your body and the nervous feelings will start to lessen and have less power.
As you feed power to the thought you want and the feeling you want to create, the other thoughts will reduce over time.
So this is HOW you’re going to show up at that conference, ROCK that presentation, and show up WITH confidence, by CREATING it from your FUTURE self and pulling it into this present moment.
All you have to do is find that ONE thought that is going to CREATE that feeling of CONFIDENCE.
Tell me what situation you want to test this out in?
Test it out this week and let me know how it goes!