
How To Harness The Magic Of 11/11 Today

Happy 11-11 Beauty 🙂

Today is 11/11 on an 11 year which makes today a VERY powerful manifesting day.

Your thoughts are more powerful today, your intentions are more powerful today, and it is the PERFECT day to visualize and decide what it is you want in your life.

I’ve been reading a couple articles and found some fascinating stuff I wanted to share with you.


“The Number 11 is considered a Master Number in Numerology, and holds a highly creative vibration allowing intentions, goals, and wishes to manifest with greater ease.

11 is also believed to be the number of spiritual awakenings and can help to activate higher states of consciousness.

1111 is essentially about coming into alignment so you can walk your highest path and be a vibrational match for all that you need, want, and desire.

This makes November 11, the perfect time to do a ritual or to even spend a few moments thinking about what you want to bring into your life.”


It is recommended to do this ritual at 1.11 am, 11:11 am, 1.11pm, or 11.11pm on November 11.

Create a vision, write it out, and thank the Universe for making it happen.

I’ve done this multiple times to bring in the perfect job, apartment, opportunity, and more. It’s amazing to see how it comes to fruition.

In the letter write it as if it’s ALREADY happened. There is NO right or wrong here so have fun with it, get creative, and do it however you’d like.

Here are 2 simple examples:

Example 1:

Dear Universe,

Thank you Universe, for bringing me to my perfect natural weight. I feel so good in my body. I LOVE shopping for clothes that fit so perfectly and allow me to express my personality.

Thank you Universe, for allowing me to experience true love. I’m SO excited to travel to Spain with my sexy partner this summer. Life is SO good.

Thank you Universe, for removing my doubts about me succeeding. I still can’t believe I run a multi-million dollar business. Is this real life? 🙂 I love that I get to buy things I adore, impact peoples lives deeply, and run FUN LIVE events!

Thank you Universe, for continuing to blow my mind away with love, support, and good people who have my back.



Example 2:

Dear Universe,

Thank you so much for helping me become the best version of myself and removing what is no longer serving me. I love my brand new apartment that I been dreaming about for years. It has EVERYTHING I wanted, granite countertops, newly renovated, patio, washer/dryer, private entrance, thank you SO MUCH.

I’m SO grateful for all the opportunities you have opened up for me. I’m so excited to start my new job with an amazing boss and really do the important work I been wanting to do.

I love living in the islands. It’s been my dream to live by the ocean. I feel so in flow, expansive, and free. I thought this journey was going to be SO much harder than it was. Thank you for allowing everything to happen in my life with ease and grace and show up in the perfect timing.



Go ahead and be as specific as you’d like. The Universe likes details :). 

You deserve to live your best life.

Dream Bigger & Go Bold.

Happy Manifesting Friends.

Aditi 💕

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More resources: Here are 2 great articles I found about 11.11, they are so good and where I got some of the information above!

Ritual and Spiritual Significance of November 11, 2018: Article 1

Numerology and Spiritual Significance of November 2018: Article 2 

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