Say Goodbye to the old you. đź‘‹

I haven’t written to you much this year, as I’ve been caring for my own wounds from loss, but I wish to change that in 2025.

Before we flip to the next chapter I want to invite you to think about the parts of you that you want to leave behind in 2024.

Say goodbye…

To the parts of you that you no longer resonate with.

To the parts of you that worked more than you needed to.

To the parts of you that gave more than you had.

Your self-care message this week is: Say goodbye to the old you

This is a beautiful way to make space for new blessings and step into your most empowered self.

Here are some ways to say goodbye to the old you:

* Take a moment to write down 3 habits you are leaving behind in 2024.

* Acknowledge 1 feeling pattern that you don’t want to ruminate in 2025 and what you want to feel instead.

* Journal out all the feelings, thoughts, of anything that has weighed heavy on you this year and burn that paper or shred and toss it.

Let’s make space for the next level of you in 2025.

As the year is coming to close, what’s 1 part of you that you want to say goodbye to?

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